A NEW CHAPTER: Putting The Imaginal Dynamic into Practice! 

by Mary Beth Spann 

People everywhere are beginning to understand how to engage Spiritual Laws to help make dreams come true.

That’s great news if you already have a desire or dream in mind. But what if you find yourself in so much pain and chaos that you don’t even know what you want, you don’t even know what to ask for, you don’t even know where to begin?

That was the dark and scary place I found myself in not so long ago.  

Back then, I was trying to decide whether or not to leave my marriage. I had been deliberating for a long time. The decision was complicated by the fact that we have two beautiful children, a house in the suburbs and 21 years together. My husband is a wonderful person, a great dad. My mind churned with thoughts of darkness and dread: “I cannot stay, I cannot go. Oh, my God, what am I going to do?”

I was paralyzed, unable to see any viable solution, knowing things could not stay as they were.  

About this same time, I saw an advertisement for a local presentation titled, “Magnetize Your Heart’s Desires.” I was familiar with one of the five scheduled speakers—and, of course, had plenty of unfulfilled desires—so I decided to attend.     

All the speakers offered interesting perspectives, but when Melissa Zollo, founder of Present Memory, began speaking, I found myself leaning forward, captivated by the power of her words and the energy of her presentation. For a brief time, I forgot my internal turmoil, and focused instead on her voice.

Melissa’s message was rooted in certainty and power. She did not speak of positive thinking or affirmations—nor did she criticize those approaches to better living. Instead she spoke of the Power of Imagination, the Art of Intentional Creation, the Art of Imaging, the Imaginal Dynamic,  Law of Identical Harvest, and the Power of the Subconscious Mind — and how we can use these spiritual laws to transcend fearful, limiting beliefs in order to be or do or have anything we want.


I was intrigued, but I did not buy Melissa’s audio program that night. I did pick up her brochure however, and back home, began combing through the Present Memory website.

What I read fascinated me. Participants’ testimonials described wonderful results using the principles presented in the Present Memory programs. Some people manifested money, others experienced physical healing and still others realized personal and professional dreams. 

What I read compelled me to order and listen to Melissa’s audio program: Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation. The set included a recording of Melissa’s lectures on Spiritual Laws and spiritual principals—almost the same lecture I had just heard her deliver in person.  

I appreciated these lecture recordings and I listened to them more than once. I found Melissa’s message to be as powerful as it had been in person. The rest of the set of recordings were soothing invitations to Image. The recordings easily guided me through the Imaging process. They invited me to relax, Imagine and give thanks for my dreams realized. Some of the recordings were especially designed to be used upon waking, others were designed for use right before sleep and still others could be used anytime I wanted to refresh and renew my desired Images. 

Even though Melissa’s program seemed to provide everything a beginner like me needed to start the process, I quickly realized my own progress was stymied. When the program invited me to Image my dream delivered, I couldn’t do it. Problem was, I could not imagine a desirable outcome to my dilemma. (Actually I was trying to force a solution from fear.) Any outcome—stay or go— seemed dreadful.

Because I was stuck, I decided to schedule a one-hour consultation with Melissa. From what I understood, Melissa would be able to help me develop a positive dream blueprint while rooting out any undesirable conscious or unconscious negative belief patterns that might be blocking their manifestation. How she would do that was beyond me. But I was both desperate and determined for relief and answers. I saw no choice but to trust her completely.

I can’t honestly say I remember what happened on the phone (I was highly emotional) but here is the gist of it: Even without knowing my story (she was not at all interested in the events or the psychology of my life—found that to be unnecessary information and did not want to resonate with my negativity)  Melissa quickly pinpointed that what was blocking my ability to experience a full and loving relationship in my life was my lack of self love—my own belief that I was unlovable.

Shocking stuff!

Years of therapy (where I had intellectually poured over my story again and again) had not revealed that notion. Besides, I always pictured myself to be bright, positive, successful and relatively happy. But I only had to glimpse at the pain beneath the surface to realize Melissa was right.

So my first step would be to imagine how it would feel if I loved and respected myself.

That left the marriage to deal with. How could I imagine a positive outcome to that, when I wasn’t sure what outcome I considered positive?

Melissa offered a solution to that, too. She suggested I Image my husband and myself enjoying the most positive relationship possible. I asked if that still meant I could leave if I wanted to. Melissa said that after Imaging this, some people on the verge of walking out have decided to stay and their relationships flourished. Others, she added, decided that leaving was still the best solution—but that such Imaging allowed them to leave with love, to leave on the best terms possible.

Melissa’s suggestions resonated with me. I began imaging self-love and harmony with my husband. I performed the Imaging process faithfully every day. In the beginning I Imaged two or three times a day, but as I moved out of crisis, I found that once a day everyday was a good amount for me.

So what happened? As a result of all this Imaging, and as if by magic, important books fell off the shelf and gifted teachers popped into my path. I soon learned more about the very early negative belief pattern that affected my relationships. I learned how to train my mind to lift myself up, not beat myself down. I also was guided again and again to appreciate my husband, his talents, his gifts—all his wonderful qualities. 

In the end, we sold our big home and each bought a lovely smaller home on the same street—five houses apart from one other. Because Melissa had taught me how to send out a clear request to the Universe, the Universe responded with a magical solution to this seemingly impossible problem.

Melissa Zollo did not discover or create the Spiritual Laws that serve as the basis for the Present Memory programs. But her program is the only one I know of that provides tools to guide you step-by-step through the process of intentional creation.  If you want to make the process of manifesting miracles one that is easy, accessible, enjoyable and entirely possible, Present Memory audio programs can show you how.

When I needed a solution regarding my marriage, the Universe delivered teachers, insights and information in just the right order.

When I needed a new house I could love and afford, I Imaged one and it came in! (And boy was it new! The previous owner was a builder and a painter. Every room inside is brand new!)

When I desired a positive outcome for my children in this time of change, the Universe delivered a second house on my same street! Now my children can easily walk between their Dad’s place and mine and everyone is more relaxed. When, with a knife, I accidentally sliced the tip of my finger nearly off (and the doctor who stitched it said I would most likely lose it) I Imaged perfect health for my fingertip. When I had the stitches removed, the second doctor said it had not been stitched properly so it was not healing properly. He said I may have to go to a surgeon and have it redone again. I decided to image perfect health for my fingertip and the Universe delivered a perfectly healed fingertip! 

When I grew concerned about having enough money, I decided to trust and image money coming in. That resulted in an unexpected check for $6,000.  

There is no end to what you can image for yourself.

It is all there for you—all the abundance of the Universe is waiting to be delivered to your doorstep. You only have to know you are worthy and deserving, identify your desires, ask for what you want, believe it is coming your way, allow it to be delivered and give thanks before and after it arrives in physical form. (Tip: That’s right. If you give thanks even before your miracle has been delivered all the while trusting it will come in at just the right time, and if you can let the Universe take care of the how’s, you can manifest anything.)

The Present Memory programs take you by the hand and help you develop a habit of making rewards appear in your life. It is not about controlling others.  It is about honoring your own power and divinity within.  It is about creating the life of your dreams for yourself.

The Present Memory audio programs helped me find the courage I needed to step into the life I was meant to live. It also gave me life tools I will continue to use everyday to make my new dream-seeds come true.

Once you understand how to do it, the Spiritual process of Imaging is easy, elegant and divine. And, even if you dream BIG, it delivers miracles more brilliant than you ever could imagine for yourself.

I suggest you give yourself the gift of sessions with Melissa Zollo, and the Imaginal Dynamic programs to give you the keys to open the doorway to your dreams.

As Melissa likes to say, “Never close a door on a dream, your dreams are calling you.”

Mary Beth Spann

Mary Beth Spann is a freelance writer specializing in educational information for parents and teachers of young children. She is the author of more than 40 teacher resource books for major educational publishers such as Scholastic and Learning Resources. Recently, Mary Beth's interests in teaching and writing have broadened into the field of self-empowerment.

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