Read the many success stories and rave reviews Rev. Melissa Zollo has received.
“To All Who Read This:
I would like to tell you my success story of how Melissa Zollo's help made a huge impact on me and changed my life forever.
You see, I lost my cruise ship job in March just two days prior to departure. I felt terrible. Everyone around me was miserable. I was out of job and moved back to my mother's place. Suddenly my focus shifted to Covid as I cared for my mother and another elderly woman.
Meanwhile, I kept applying for jobs but all I received back were rejection letters or no answer at all. To add to my frustration, Hungary announced a full lockdown/border closure beginning in September. I wanted to get out of Hungary but there weren't any opportunities available. I felt trapped and my energy was really low. Circumstances couldn't be any worse.
That's when I contacted Melissa.
She would have none of my story.
Instead she offered to show me how to make the impossible possible using Spiritual Laws and the Power of Imagination. Melissa explained to me how I was mixing "apples and oranges", that is, conflicting fear based ideas with my heart's desire. She gave me powerful suggestions and helped me to design a new mental image that was in tune with my goal which was to get out of Hungary. Her message inspired me to stop focusing on illness, disaster and negative appearances.
I followed her instructions.
I started to visualize myself in another country and feeling healthy.
Every day three times a day, well almost everyday, I worked with my new mental blueprint. I changed my self talk. I told myself I AM HEALTHY.
Soon all of my attention was off of Covid!
Then it happened.
Within a few days, yes a few days, I got an offer from a friend to help him coach tennis to people at a golf resort in AUSTRIA!
The image manifested. The impossible became possible in my life
I accepted the offer.And I am writing to all of you from Austria. I am in a wonderful environment, surrounded by mountains, lakes, great weather and fresh, crisp air! I feel healthy and alive!
Thank you Melissa, you came into my life exactly at the right moment to help me!”
Mark Hanko
Tennis Coach / Activities Host
“For the past decade I’ve been using a variety of personal development programs, but not until I received Melissa Zollo’s “Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation” have I experienced a set of tools that are as clear, direct, forceful, and inspiring as hers. Literally within days of listening to the CD’s, forming a new blueprint, and beginning my daily visioning practice, I manifested my dream house, despite several major obstacles that I previously would have shied away from. I enthusiastically recommend Melissa’s programs, especially for people who have had trouble achieving results with the Law of Attraction alone.”
Paul Davison
Boxford, MA
"My 6 year old daughter Molly has been listening to Melissa’s Sweet Dreams CD every night before bed for a year. Molly used to struggle with constantly climbing out of bed and complaining she “was lonely” and needing one of us there with her. She fondly refers to Melissa’s CD as “the one with the woman’s voice.” She finds comfort and security listening to Melissa at bedtime. I strongly encourage Melissa’s Discover the Power of Imagination CD for anyone having difficulty getting their children to bed at night."
Dr. Shayla Caron - Chiropractor - North Andover, MA
"I loved Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic"! During the course of the Clinic I manifested the dream of my life. It is with great gratitude and joy that I can announce I am pregnant! The whole experience of listening to Melissa was beautiful and brought me to a much higher level of understanding the Art of Manifestation. This powerful workshop further deepened my ability to use her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation", the right way. I got into the feeling of being pregnant, safe, and protected and results followed. My relationship with my husband has been enriched by my experience with Melissa's work. I would highly recommend any couple challenged with the issue of fertility to attend Melissa's Clinic or any workshop that she gives."
Barbara Varas - Electronic Engineer/Child Development Educator , NYC, NY
"I spent 13 years in therapy trying to figure out how to stop my suffering. I even switched therapists hoping that the next recommended therapist would provide me with tools that the first few perhaps did not know. I had a very good understanding about my history and why I felt so angry and betrayed, but I had no direction how to move on. After hearing about Melissa’s work I purchased her CDs Discover the Power of Imagination, Unleash the Power Within & Attract Money, and the Law of Vibration. I also attended one of Melissa’s seminars in Andover MA. Through Melissa’s work I realized that during many years of therapy I had repeated many negative thoughts and feelings which perpetuated my sufferingand made a decision to stop seeing a therapist and start creating happiness.I immediately learned from listening to her cds that I had the power to let go of my anger and create a life of joy. It all made sense, like creates like, so I practiced to feel and see joy. Today my life is filled with joy! My relationships with family and friends are fun and loving."
Kunic Hakaj, Case Worker for Department of Revenue, Andover, MA
“Happy 2007 Melissa,
This is just a short note to state how much I appreciate your CD sample program I obtained sometime ago. Case and point, this past Saturday marked the 6th anniversary of my mothers crossing over to the other side. AND I KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT, that had I not heard about being present in the moment and deciding to focus on joy verses sorrow, that this season would not have been easy to get through. Again, you have been a blessing to me and I wanted to take this time to say so.
Blessings to you Melissa.”
Anne` DuBois
TV Producer - The Soul's Perspective
"Three years ago my son decided he needed to separate from our family. It was a harsh surprise and very difficult, to say the least, for our whole family, since we were so very close. The anguish I felt in not knowing where he was, or how he was doing was almost unbearable. This past year I was introduced to the wonderful work of Melissa Zollo and the whole concept of creative imaging and blueprinting the Inner You. After attending a powerful seminar with Melissa in NYC I realized that I needed to change my own negative thought patterns and overcome my doubts and fears so I began to use her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" . I began to "believe and feel" that my son would return in his time. I then began to make concrete changes in my own life. I am now happy to say that my son contacted me and we have reconnected!!! I now know from personal experience that pain and sorrow can be replaced with happiness if one knows how to make the impossible possible. Melissa's work directly helped me achieve this healing and I am very grateful." This experience has had such a deep effect on me that I am willing to speak to any parent who is dealing with a similar crisis/situation about Melissa Zollo's work. I believe in it so much."
Susan Lustig, Licenced Physical Therapist Assistant, LPTA - Lynchburg, Virginia
"I am happy to announce that I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy in August, and want to thank Melissa Zollo for helping to make this delivery a wonderful, successful experience. I have been fearful of doctors, blood, and needles for as far back as I can remember. I therefore dreaded the day I would have to give birth. After hearing Melissa Zollo speak at the Hilton Hotel, I participated in her teleseminars. When my delivery date drew near I did a private consultation with her. I was immediately able to re-direct my focus, and concentrate on my sons arrival -- not the pain of child birth. I highly recommend Melissa Zollo's audio programs, teleseminars, and most of all her consultations to expectant mothers and anyone who has to deal with hospitals, doctors and healing. They really work."
Natalie Salvato
New York
“When I first heard about Melissa Zollo’s work, I was skeptical. I’d already done quite a bit in attraction and abundance work… and the results always seemed to fade. I wasn’t ready to buy yet another program that would go unused on my shelf after a few weeks. However, I knew that I wanted to have an empowering, confident second pregnancy and birth, and I knew I had to get rid of my fears, self-doubt, and memories of my previous birth in order to do so… so I was willing to try Melissa’s CDs out.
My goal was to use Melissa’s work to help heal from a traumatic first birth and postpartum experience, and be fully confident going into my second birth and mothering experience. After experiencing two years of Postpartum Depression and one year of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after the birth of my first child, I was desperate not to repeat that experience with my second baby. I had done a lot of healing work to prepare for this second pregnancy, but despite my best efforts, doubts and anxiety about my upcoming birth still crept into my mind on a daily basis. I knew I needed something else to fully heal.
When I first listened to Melissa’s work, I realized that it was much deeper than the attraction and abundance work I’d done in the past. Melissa uses examples and stories to explain imaging in a way that simply makes sense. As I listened to the CDs, I had the vague sense that I already knew all of this deep down inside of me, but I’d forgotten it (or was ignoring it). It was as if a lightbulb went off, and I was addicted! I couldn’t get enough of the first CD, so I ordered the Money CD set, and then an .mp3 recording.
Melissa’s work was my refuge during my pregnancy. Whenever doubts about my birth crept up, I immediately listened to her CDs. I listened to them during my walks, while I cooked, before I napped and as I fell asleep at night. I noticed a huge difference in my mentality and overall perspective when I listened to her CDs and did the imaging. On days that I skipped the work, I noticed the old anxiety creeping back in.
I scheduled an individual consultation with Melissa about 5 months into my imaging, because I knew that some old “birth junk” still remained, and I wanted her help in getting rid of it. The session was extremely powerful, although it was pretty painful for me. I let go of a lot of past fears, anger and grief. It felt like a detox session. After the consult, I was shaken up, and I had trouble holding the image that we had created together. But at her suggestion, I simply went back to her relaxation CDs and did them over and over until I felt safe and powerful enough to claim the image again on my own. It took a few weeks, but I could eventually hold on to the new image strongly.
About 7 weeks before my due date, I had been imaging long enough to know that I still had lingering doubts and fears that needed final resolution. So I scheduled a second consultation with Melissa. This time, I was more assertive in telling her what doubts and fears were coming up. She was able to pinpoint the belief that was holding me back. What a powerful moment - it was like a lightbulb had again gone off again for me! I knew in that instant that I would - without a doubt - have the birth I wanted (indeed, because the birth had ALREADY HAPPENED in my imagination!).
From that point forward, there was no doubt, no worry. There was only confidence and excitement. I continued to do my imaging several times a day until the end of my pregnancy.
I also learned that my most powerful form of imaging is through music. So I created a birth song for myself and the baby… using a tune called "Ancient Mother." The words were created based out of the power statements that came out of my consult with Melissa. I sang this birth song while driving, as well as on my daily walks. This song still makes me cry when I read it... it's that powerful to me. In the end, I believe this song was just as important as the actual "visual" image that Melissa and I created during the consult, and I used both of them together for my final months of pregnancy.
How did my birth turn out? Exactly as my image said it would! It was extremely powerful. I got to birth at home, in candlelight, catch my baby in the birth tub, surround myself with care providers who truly respected me, and recover quickly and easily. Best of all, I am in total love with my baby, and there are no signs of postpartum depression in sight.
I stopped doing the imaging for 4 weeks after my son’s birth, and I noticed the difference in how I felt. I started feeling anxious and overwhelmed by life as a new mom. Recently, a few curveballs have been thrown my family’s way. So, I’ve brought out my CDs again… and I’ve booked another consult with Melissa so she can help me create a new image for my newly expanded family. This work is a lifelong process…
If you are a mom-to-be or are dealing with postpartum challenges, I strongly recommend starting with the “Discover the Power of Imagination” CD program. Pregnancy and birth and new motherhood are emotional roller coasters, and everyone seems to have an opinion about how you should approach those times. Melissa’s work will help ground you and create a safe space where you can reclaim motherhood experiences for yourself.
If you are feeling stuck, a consultation with Melissa is a great gift to yourself.
I have found much value in the “How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money” CD set, too, and think that this was the most powerful product for me. A lot of what Melissa spoke about in the money recordings set actually translated beautifully to my pregnancy and postpartum imaging!”
Christi Collins, Holistic Health Counselor, AADP, MA
Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.
Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner. She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.
Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy
Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.
Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.
The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.