


Real people. Real success stories. Real rave reviews Rev. Melissa Zollo has received.


"I was recently introduced to Melissa Zollo by one of my client's. I will never forget that moment. I also participated in Zollo's telseminar I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food . That is when Melissa explained in plain English how our mind and our emotions affect our physiological make up. Her insight and passion, to help people heal themselves with their own energy, is a gift. Melissa has my stamp of approval. She is a life-leader, and exudes a presence that is everlasting. Listen to her and you will be able to leap into life at jet speed – Oh what a feeling!"

Joe Kasper, CEO Fire Your Diet, Inc
America's #1 Health Coach President

I have been struggling with my weight for decades! I found that trying to manifest an image without clearing the energy on unconscious programs is really difficult if not impossible. This is what I’ve been trying to do for years relative to my weight.

I also found that while a “reading”  can help identify issues and potentially even causes, by itself it does nothing to release the blocks or create a new image. It is benign vs active and therefore I hadn’t achieved lasting results.

Highly frustrated, I scheduled a session with Melissa to try her new restorative clearing process.

We had an amazing session where Melissa used her incredible expertise to remove and clear unconscious blockages to my losing weight. She then helped me to create a powerful image that put me back in control at the end of the session.

I am excited about the results after just one week! I have lost 4.5 pounds since our session without the usual effort. I have found myself craving healthier foods and NOT reaching for food for comfort nearly as much as I normally do.

I am feeling much more in “control” and when tempted I find I more easily choose healthier options. I also have more joyfully bought and prepared foods that are good for me. Imaging is now much more powerful after doing the clearing.

I am feeling “lighter” and definitely operating in a higher vibration, leading to higher consciousness. To me the transformation of consciousness is all about vibrating at higher levels. Melissa taught me that clearing the energy on unconscious programs releases the low energies and affords one to vibrate at higher frequencies.

Imaging/Manifestation alone did not do that for me! Depending on the degree/power of the unconscious programs, it is extremely difficult to raise one’s vibration and more importantly, to keep it there. Also, by understanding and clearing the unconscious programs, there is more clarity, more “light” to raise our consciousness.

I now understand all the frustration I have been experiencing in this area for years! While I did “image” I realize that I never possessed the power or control to achieve it in this area in particular. This was always confusing since I was so very successful in other areas of my life.

Over the years I have worked with a multitude of practitioners, but no one is doing the work that Melissa is doing and no one works like Melissa. I know Melissa is uniquely qualified to do the critical spiritual clearing of unconscious blockages coupled with facilitating the imaging necessary to manifesting rapid results.

I feel restored, like I truly had a “spiritual restorative reset”!

Deborah Nightingale

University Professor


"In her seminar on people's emotional relationship to food, diet, and weight loss, Melissa Zollo gets to the heart of the matter as to why the vast majority of diets fail. Drawing upon her own family experience in running a restaurant, she reveals how unconscious "blueprints" can sabotage our conscious efforts at weight loss and healthy eating. Melissa shows us how we can create a new blueprint to succeed in our relationship to food and life. As always, she brings humor and spiritual wisdom to her presentation.

Dr. Robert Gensler

Director of Chestnut Hill Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

Chestnut Hill, MA

"It doesn't matter if you do Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, LA Weight Loss or Atkins. Melissa Zollo shows you how to feast on new ideas and move beyond feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Ms Zollo has what we are all looking for, the key to self-acceptance and well being."

Dr. Le M Doan, Ph.D

Business Network Int'l (BNI)


Lowell, MA

"Before taking Melissa's teleseminar I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food, I never considered that I could change my own blueprint. Her seminars and Discover the Power of Imagination audio program have enabled me to set goals, manifest healing, and achieve success. I have lost 35 lbs. Melissa has helped me to realize the importance of mental imagery to balance mind, body and spirit."

Kari Roads

Marblehead, MA

"I would like to thank you so very much for what you did for me. It was truly a miracle and is my sobriety date for Bulimia. I have suffered with the eating disorder for 24 years. I tried everything, including going to a therapist and nutritionist. I could never just eat one cookie and be happy, and now I can. I am free from my food obsession. I feel as though you and I together did a profound healing to my soul. The compulsion left me. I no longer obsess about food the way I did. I use your CDs everyday."

J.P. Lowell, MA

"Melissa's wonderful teleseminar I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food helped me reinforce my blueprint to keep losing weight. As a participant of the LA Weight Loss program, I highly recommend anyone who is seriously committed to weight reduction, use Melissa's Discover the Power of Imaginationaudio program, attend a seminar, or participate in a teleseminar. She gives you the key to success and the tools to turn the key and achieve your goals!"

D. Amtram Retired Teacher North Bergen, NJ

"Melissa Zollo inspires the most pessimistic dieter to look at themselves, turn within to their imagination, and take action from the inside out. She offers generous helpings of truth principles and the tools to achieve our goals. Melissa helps us move beyond fear and failure to making a commitment to our dreams for a healthier, happier life."

S. Cope A Market Health Food Store Associate. Manchester, NH

"In her powerful teleseminar on I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food, Melissa Zollo profoundly articulated that the healing of our emotions and past memories, as well as the application of spiritual principles, are key to weight reduction. She emphasized that we always have a choice. There isn't anything out there that explains the Power of Imagination, or breaks down how to use the Law of Attraction, the way Melissa Zollo does! Her audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination CD, is a powerful tool for working with memory or feelings that come up.”

Betsey Beaven

Co-author 4 Vegetarian Cookbooks

Professional Chef

Andover, MA

"I attended a great seminar with Melissa Zollo on I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food and I Will. Her seminar on healing the emotions showed me how to protect my heart and why this is the best path to permanent weight reduction. Melissa Zollo has the missing piece to the entire weight loss problem!"

P. Deloge Owner of Advantage Auto School, (BNI) MA

"Melissa Zollo's exciting teleseminar, I Can And I Will Heal MY Emotional Relationship to Food, really hit home for me! I have been dealing with food issues and weight gain all my life. Now, when certain emotions come up related to food, I change them for a more positive result. Due to Melissa's groundbreaking work of connecting the use of spiritual laws to emotional eating and healing, I am more focused, and able to successfully apply her Discover the Power of Imagination programs."

H. Hoenig Massage Therapist LMMT, Iowa

"I changed my eating habits with food immediately after taking Melissa Zollo's dynamic teleseminar -- I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food. The whole concept of imaging and the role my feelings play became much clearer to me. Melissa laid out the principles so well that I have a much better understanding of how to apply these laws when using her Discover the Power of Imagination program."

E. Peters, Insurance Agent, MA

"Melissa Zollo's I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food made me aware that it's not what you are eating but what's eating you that is the cause of weight gain. The seminar had everything you could want from food recipes, relaxation, laughter techniques, and best of all, the mind focusing Present Memory tools to apply everything I learned. It was an outstanding seminar!"

J. Marroco Marketing Manager , MA

"Melissa Zollo gave a Five Star top notch teleseminar! I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food inspired me to begin to self-manage myself from the inside out. She gives us the key to build self-confidence. I am now beginning to eat for fuel and not from habit. Bravo Melissa!"

J. Calledare, Realtor, MA

"Melissa Zollo's seminar on I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food shows us that the decision to consistently make choices on behalf of our health and well being is a joyful and rewarding experience. Let Melissa Zollo inspire you to begin to turn your life around from the inside out."

S. Taft Specialized Homecare Coordinator, NH

"Melissa Zollo's compassionate seminar on healing your emotional relationship to food turns the diet-fighting industry on its head. Melissa gives us the key to success: self-management. Turning it requires that we each turn within for feelings of joy as we break old food habits. Ms. Zollo lays out an exact plan to succeed and gives everyone the audio tools to follow through."

K. Burns Licensed Massage Therapist, MA

"Melissa Zollo's teleseminar, I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food shifted my thinking about food. Now I stop and ask myself 'what hunger really means.' Also, I am utilizing her Power of Imagination program to develop and maintain my new pattern of thinking and imagining. Gone are the feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, shame and embarrassment."

S. Rosengrant, Retired Educator, CT

"Melissa Zollo's seminar on I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship To Food shows us never to confuse our food binges and cravings with our real need for self acceptance, love, and spiritual nourishment for the mind-spirit and body."

A. Cobleigh, Realtor, MA

"Melissa Zollo's I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship To Food was excellent. Ms Zollo has a unique gift. She engenders deep trust by all the participants. Melissa approaches weight from reduction not loss, from feeling not food. She offers the best in body, mind, and spirit tools when it comes from healing from the inside out."

D. Silke Health and Wellness Consultant, MA

"I attended Melissa Zollo's workshop on Emotional Eating in Andover, MA. While I have my small battles with food at times, I was amazed to hear how so many people truly struggle. Melissa was able to clearly articulate how to find the real cause of emotional eating. I have attended her workshops in the past and use Melissa's "Discover the Power of Imagination" program. It is always so helpful to hear her message again. I leave the seminars re-inspired to create new blue prints for my life and I always learn something new."

E. Webster, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, MA

"Melissa Zollo's "I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food and I Will"seminar was truly extraordinary. Melissa helped me understand how my childhood feelings were keeping me back. I was able to shift in a new direction in my life by understanding how to implement the ideas she articulates and I'm using her audio program everyday as the tool to do it!!"

K. Roads, Bookeeper, MA

"I loved Melissa Zollo's "I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food, and I Will" seminar. She made me realize that food is not the enemy and I came away appreciating and loving myself on a much deeper level than ever before. Melissa showed me I am not what I eat I am much more."

P. Dumont, Yoga For Health Instructor, MA.

"I attended Melissa Zollo's workshop on Healing One's Emotional Relationship with Food. Thank you for really understanding how it feels to restrict food intake and for helping me breakthrough blocks which I could not do on my own. Furthermore, as a psychotherapist with an MSW, I now feel I can be more helpful with some of my clients who also deal with issues regarding food."

M. V. Guilfoyle, Psychotherapist, MA

“I was completely recharged after attending Melissa Zollo's I Can Heal My Emotional Relationship to Food seminar . It reinforced my desire to stay focused and examine myself on deeper levels. Melissa offers the perfect solution to those who want to be mentally strong and physically fit-- seminars, telseminars, and excellent programs.”

Jim Stonier, Software Engineer, MA

Life has been amazing for me. I am constantly working on my blue prints for life. I've lost over 50 pounds in the last 3 years. I will be teaching and performing in Canada this summer at a Young Artists Program. I've been to Italy twice. And I have been growing a new Prosperity consciousness. The world is a very different place for me than it was when we met at the New Age Spa and your philosophy is at the heart of this change. It takes commitment and courage but it is so worth every minute of imaging.

Paula Liscio,
Ms. Liscio is a professional singer who has performed for over 30 years as a soloist, cabaret singer and chorister with such companies as New York City Opera, Metropolitan Opera, Avery Fisher Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Carnegie Hall. She currently maintains a private voice studio in NYC along with her performance commitments.

Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.