Read the many success stories and rave reviews Melissa Zollo has received from image-first clinics.
"Having a great foundation in the body of work from Science of Mind, Abrahman Hicks, and also Landmark, I was very impressed with the unique work of Melissa Zollo after attending one of her "Image First Clinics". I have taken many courses, seminars, and read a variety of books on spiritual self-development over the years, and Melissa is the only one who is training people to focus on and "apply" spiritual law to their lives. Melissa's articulation of the laws is like gold, as she is so well spoken and direct on how to use them to manifest successful results. Melissa not only gives you the blueprint to change your life, but she gives you the tools or "hammer and nails" to apply it with her self-help audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation". Nobody is doing what Melissa Zollo does and I would urge everyone to use her CD's and come to her seminars!"
Kathryn Martin
Former Staff of Landmark Education Corporation
Professional Organizer
Tucker, GA
"Every week I attended Melissa Zollo's phenomenal Image First Clinic I felt as if my soul were being washed clean. I now have a deep sense of peace, joy, and increased self-confidence about myself and my life. If you are in business or building a professional clientele, invest in a Melissa Zollo workshop and you will learn how to attract the success you desire. Since I began to use the Present Memory audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation,I have been manifesting wonderful results everyday in both my personal and professional life. It is a valuable tool that assists me to stay focused on goals and rebuild beliefs."
Bethe Halligan
Speech Language Pathologist M.S.
New York City, New York
"Melissa Zollo taught me that the Healer is Within. I have opened my mind and begun to focus on the limitless possibilities for achieving vibrant health. Attending her Image First 2006 Summer Clinic and using her "Discover the Power of Imagination " has given me powerful tools and information to actualize a health blueprint. Anyone with a serious health challenge should attend her Clinics.There is nothing like them."
Toni Howard
New York City, NY
“Dear Melissa,
I want to thank you so much for coming to my club act! It meant so much to me that you were there. I am truly starting to feel my new belief come alive and it is wonderful! I realize that the more I believe that singing is my life's mission, the more things happen for me. I didn't understand that anything you want can really come true until I let myself go, used what I learned in your Image First workshop, and just did it! I feel that this is the path I was supposed to be on and its just amazing! Bookings are coming in. I want to take everything in so that I become the best singer that I can be! Thanks again for coming to my show at teh Bottom Line! You really are the best!”
Love to you.
Kailin Garrity
"I attended Melissa's IMAGE FIRST CLINIC and immediately noticed an increase in sales. However, after several weeks passed my focus wandered to other things and my sales went back down. I decided to return to the TUNE UP and get recharged and refocused on my success blueprint again. The day after Melissa's "tune up" my sales went right back up! I am so grateful for her workshops and the fact that she shares her gifts with others. Her presentations are awesome. Melissa helps people become aware of their feelings and how to use them to be fully alive."
Donna Young
Norwalk, CT
"Attending Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic was an eye opener for me. I was very impressed by Melissa's authenticity, high energy, and the degree to which she could focus on each person to assist them. I was very moved by the positive changes I witnessed in people as well as myself. Ms Zollo is a superb communicator and always present. I would recommend her workshops to anyone and I look forward to the next one."
Paula Bassoff
Executive Trainer
"The most important thing I learned from Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic is that my thoughts create my reality. Attending the seminar helped me understand the phrase, KNOW THYSELF. I realize that I can have control over my present thoughts and feelings and as they conform to happiness, self-acceptance and success, manifestation of my dreams follow. Melissa inspired me to have more compassion for myself. If you are feeling stuck in your life come hear Melissa speak. She'll give you the tools (Discover the Power of Imagination audio program) to dissolve blocks so that you move beyond any self-imposed opposition."
Jerald Richland
Interior Designer
“Melissa Zollo is an extraordinary woman and a powerful presenter. I love her; I love her work. She introduces a new approach to transformation that is simple and also profound. Attending her Image First Clinic was a joy. I feel a new sense of inner peace and deep hope as a result of participating in the workshop. The Clinic prepared me for a wonderful consult with Melissa during which I gained the insight and clarity. I saw how I had created barriers to having my own hopes and dreams. Now, I make different choices. I highly recommend her beautiful audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination. And if possible, find a way to be in a workshop, listen to her radio shows, and, best of all, seek her out for a private consultation. Thank you, Melissa.”
Alice Kestin
North Bergen, NJ
"Melissa Zollo's Image First Summer Clinic was a tremendous learning experience for me. Melissa shows you how to achieve your goals by changing the way you image, think and feel about yourself. I came away with a definite change in my self-perception. I feel much more integrated, powerful, and joyful. I am amazed at how easy it is to discipline myself to use the Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination CD program everyday. I love applying "solution based thinking" and Melissa's mind focusing techniques to my life. Within 4 weeks I have begun to attract great results."
Dena Amtman
Retired teacher
North Bergen, NJ
"I loved Melissa Zollo's Image First Summer Clinic. Melissa carefully explained that the difference between those who succeed and those who don't is determined by one thing -- the way we think and feel. Participating in this workshop has changed me from a spectator into a woman who is motivated and focused on the realization of goals. The Clinic illuminated my need to let go of old emotional debts and mental habits that held me back. The Present Memory audio program Discover the Power of Imagination is the tool to dissolve the blocks that are standing between you and your dreams. I highly recommend anyone in the Arts and the Publishing field to take a workshop with Melissa Zollo."
Rachel Perzanowski
Bridgeport, CT
"After attending Melissa Zollo's awesome Image First Clinic, I feel more confident and powerful in my own abilities as a performer/singer than ever before! new opportunities to succeed and doors are opening up for me. Within 3 months I have created many opportunities. Doors are opening for me. I am heading out on on the road! If you are an out of work performer sign up for Melissa's workshops and use her Power of Imagination audio program. They work!"
Kailin Garrity
Professional Singer
Madison, CT
"Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic was an amazing opportunity for me to rekindle my dream to be the artist I truly am. Melissa taught me how to apply spiritual laws to my life in a very focused, clear, and practical way. This aided me to be more conscious and confident in myself. The Present Memory audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination is a wonderful tool that everyone should use. Melissa Zollo is an excellent workshop presenter and I look forward to the next Image First Clinic."
Blanche Gyberg
Project Manager of Package Development Cosmetic and Hair Care Industry.
"I have been to many seminars over the years but have never experienced anything like the power of Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic. Attending her workshop and then doing a personal consultation with Melissa was like being given a diamond! My heart opened up as she clarified information needed to help me design a new mental blueprint so that I could move forward in my life. Melissa's impressive Discover the Power of Imagination audio program is an invaluable tool I use everyday to focus and live my life with joy."
Eleni Savvidou
Lighting Designer
"I rushed back from Italy and went directly from the airport to participate in Melissa Zollo's Image First 2006 Summer Clinic. I didn't want to miss a single session of such an extremely valuable and rewarding experience, which has positively impacted both my personal relationships and business life. If you are in business and want to learn how to create a 'force field' that attracts everything you need to realize your goals and how to become more successful, positive and optimistic in your life please avail yourself of Melissa Zollo's workshops. Also, The Present Memory Discover the Power of Imagination and How to Attract Money audio programs are contemporary and important tools to help anyone in business build excellent customer relationships, perform more successfully, focus on service excellence, increase sales, and most importantly strengthen an inner sense of well being and happiness."
Brian Jevremov
Owner of Imports and Distribution of European Kitchen and Home Furnishings
"Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic" taught me the Art of Deep Listening and how to focus on solutions in a way I have never experienced before. Melissa is a dynamic, passionate speaker and an excellent communicator of “new thought ideas”. As a result of participating in this clinic my confidence has grown as well as my ability to concentrate. I am now more capable of designing successful healing blueprints for myself and others. I love the Present Memory audio program,"Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" and use it everyday. As a nurse, I would highly recommend anyone in the health professional field to attend one of Melissa's Clinics. Doctors, nurses, and patients can benefit from using Melissa's healing work. Her presentations are invaluable, dynamic, and inspirational."
Diane Harris
Registered Nurse
Paterson, NJ
"I attended Melissa Zollo's Image First Tune-Up and I loved it. Melissa helped me to understand that we all struggle with built-in barriers that restrict our potential for a wonderful relationship or marriage. Within hours I understood how to reconnect with my wonderful husband by reinforcing my belief in myself. The workshop showed me how to use her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination" in a way that supports my truest goals."
R. B. Banker
New York City, New York
"Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic" was life changing for me. It inspired me so much. In this exciting seminar, I learned about the obstacles/beliefs that have been in my way and most importantly, successful strategies to change myself from the inside out (with the aid of a new success blueprint). I highly recommend the“Discover the Power of Imagination” audio program to all professionals in the field of psychotherapy and suggest they attend a seminar or clinic with Melissa."
Sherryl Babb
Life Coach, Psychotherapist L.M.S.W
New York City, New York
"Melissa Zollo's "Image First" Clinic was a very valuable workshop. It helped me to create a positive blueprint for every aspect of my life. Since taking the workshop and using her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation", I am more focused and I have reinvigorated my business.Melissa helped me to understand that many of my problems stemmed from an incorrect use of energy. She supported my efforts as I cleared away some deeply rooted negative beliefs about myself. The clinic helped me to move beyond turbulent thoughts and obstacles in my mind. I highly recommend anyone who is looking to apply the Universal Laws of Life to attract an ideal partner or increase their financial success to participate in the next Image First Clinic with Melissa!"
Pam Averick
Financial Planner
"After taking Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic" I felt like my real self again! I found the information about designing a new mental blueprint and self-image very valuable. Melissa's own personal stories and those of others inspired me to expand my own awareness and get in touch with my deeper self. Melissa's seminars and self-help audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" helped me during a difficult transition in my life. Now I feel more confident and in the "present moment" everyday. As a psychologist, I definitely recommend others in the profession to attend Melissa's workshops. She can help them understand how important it is to focus from the solution and not the problem. They in turn can help their clients to do the same. I am very grateful for Ms Zollo's body of work."
Jean Brown
Psychologist, Ph. D
New York, New York
"I loved Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic"! During the course of the Clinic I manifested the dream of my life. It is with great gratitude and joy that I can announce I am pregnant! The whole experience of listening to Melissa was beautiful and brought me to a much higher level of understanding the Art of Manifestation. This powerful workshop further deepened my ability to use her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation", the right way. I got into the feeling of being pregnant, safe, and protected and results followed. My relationship with my husband has been enriched by my experience with Melissa's work. I would highly recommend any couple challenged with the issue of fertility to attend Melissa's Clinic or any workshop that she gives."
Barbara Varas
Electronic Engineer/Child Development Educator
"Having used Melissa Zollo's "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" first and then attending an "Image First" workshop with Melissa was an eye-opener! Her audio program is a powerful tool to help every person reach within themselves to manifest their life's dream. I went to the workshop not quite knowing what to expect and 6 hours later came out knowing what I had to do to effect my transformation. I am a member of the local BNI Chapter (Business Networking International) and I highly recommend this audio program to everyone looking to grow their business! I am looking forward to creating greater and greater success in my life as I work with this wonderful program! Thank you Melissa!"
Karen Mayer
Reliv Distributor
"I am a different person because of attending Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic."Her powerful presentation helped me to be aware of how I think. I am starting to honor myself in a different way. She helped me to constantly question my resistance and I am totally committed to this work. Melissa is a wonderful speaker and a great teacher of valuable information. After taking the class with her, it was easier to use her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" and create a new blueprint for myself. If you are in Business or the Arts to take a clinic with Melissa. Your mind will expand!"
Jerald Richland
Interior Designer
"I loved Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic" and found her to be an amazing speaker and powerful woman. She is a very special person who is able to explain an old message (imaging) in a new way and make it clear to me. As a result of my newfound clarity my relationship with my husband has improved. Her audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" is a powerful and very valuable tool. I highly recommend anyone in business who wants to increase sales to attend a clinic with Melissa! It was a pleasure working with her."
Ofra Grinboum
Antiques Business Owner
Great Neck, NY
"Melissa is an inspirational and powerful speaker. In her "Image First Clinic", Melissa Zollo went above, beyond, and deeper than any previous experience I have had with her. She concretely helped me identify my own patterns and clarified the ways in which I can move beyond my own resistance. As a professional singer, I find the audio programs essential and the workshop important to my growth and well being.”
Paula Liscio
Professional Singer
"Attending Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic" was an incredible experience for me!Melissa brought all the pieces together on "how to image and remain focused on a success blueprint". Melissa is a succinct, engaging, and fantastic presenter who has a brilliant way of illustrating her points. She helped me to tap into my own courage and move beyond limitations of the mind. My business has increased as a result of using “Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation"."
Donna Young
Norwalk, CT
"I attended an "Image First Clinic" with Melissa Zollo. I gained a much better understanding of how to apply Spiritual Principles to all areas of my life. Melissa understands how the Laws of Life operate and the process of self-transformation so well. She speaks from personal experience. She is focused, patient, and supplies you with the tools to help you move beyond your own mental boundaries until you "get it for yourself"! I found participating in the Present Memory Clinic of significant value. I highly recommend any serious seeker (no matter profession) to attend a Melissa Zollo presentation as well as use her “Discover the Power of Imagination audio program”."
Luis Nieves
Director of a Community Development Agency
“Dear Melissa,
I AM MANIFESTING!!! I am so excited. I had to tell you!!! I really appreciate your support and guidance, and I thank you for recognizing the courage inside of me.I feel it within myself and I am happy that you can witness it as well. Thank you for giving me the tools to discover my truth. I believe that I manifested you in my life to help me overcome my resistance. You have taught me the way and now I am blessed. Thank you so much Melissa. It was an amazing seminar.”
Lauren Puma
College Student
"I am so grateful I attended Melissa Zollo's "Image First Clinic". Melissa is a great presenter, excellent communicator, and very powerful speaker. Her presence helped me to remind myself that I too am powerful. I am so much more conscious of my feelings, thoughts, and inner self-talk. After each session I found it easier to use Melissa's audio program, "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" to focus on my desires. I recommend the clinic to anyone who seriously wants to create a success blueprint in their life.!"
Manuel Andrade
Hospital Security guard
Bridgeport, CT
"I loved Melissa Zollo's Image First Clinic! I traveled from Massachusetts to New York in the dead of winter to hear her speak and may I tell you that it was well worth my effort. While participating in the clinic, the impossible became possible in my life. After going through several lawyers and hitting many walls, I committed to a new image, captured the feeling of being safe, secure, protected and grateful and I got results. I received a partial settlement from a former business partner.Melissa is gifted. Her determination to help me identify my own resistance and move beyond it opened the door to a wonderful manifestation. This experience was very impressive. Melissa Zollo walks her talk. She is an inspiration to anyone who is use to backing down because of habit or previous wounds or conditioning. I highly recommend Melissa's Clinic and the"Discover the Power of Imagination CD program."
Betsey Beaven
The Political Palate
Second Seasonal Political Palate
The Perennial Political Palate
"Excellent seminar. I have been manifesting in many areas of my life. I am keeping a "list" so that I don't forget and take them for granted."
Penny Reed
Brooklyn, New York
"The clinic showed me exactly how deep Melissa's work really is. As a result, I have had a major shift in my consciousness. I am now focused on exploring the best me that I can be."
Dawn Cook
Mother of three wonderful children
“I attended Melissa Zollo's "Image First" Tune-up Clinic on April 1st, 2006 to reaffirm my new blueprint of safely delivering my beautiful and healthy twins! Melissa personally worked with me. As a result, my ability to concentrate and refocus my attention to this healthy outcome greatly improved. I embraced my babies. I held and caressed them all the while feeling safe and protected. I am filled with gratitude and joy for this experience. I continue to use Melissa's Audio Program "Discover the Power ofImagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" everyday. The way this audio program is designed is unique. It keeps me in a grateful state of being. I recommend the Image First Workshop to everyone who wants to learn how thoughts form our perceptions, our sense of meaning and influence our daily actions.”
Barbara Jevremov
New York, New York
Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.
Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner. She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.
Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy
Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.
Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.
The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.