Trust the Healing Wisdom of Divine Presence: Radical Resilience is Your Spiritual Inheritance



Healing through a Spiritual Lens.

Understanding more clearly your relationship with the Living Spirit, Infinite Good, ends fear and leads the way forward.

Whether your need is for physical healing, financial difficulty, issues with family, co-workers or friends, or just plain frustration, the first thing to understand regarding Spiritual Mind Healing is to know that it is possible without any reservations or doubts.

The area in your life where you feel discontented is the one which needs Spiritual Healing.

The Consciousness of Health and Wellbeing

Antiquated thinking and dogma have long obstructed the true understanding of our innate untapped potential for self-regeneration and radical healing. What Ancient Wisdom taught, quantum physics and epigenetics now supports.

In a Spiritual Mind Healing session, we listen to and trust the Innate Intelligence within so that we can look and feel healthier, stave off threatening issues, and strive towards living a vibrant long life.

  • Health is a spiritual idea. It functions as you are aware of it.

  • Divine Mind doesn’t know the names of dis-eases or other challenges. They have no reality in the Realm of the Wondrous. Health issues appear out of false beliefs and negative conclusions in the mental realm.

  • Health challenges appear in order to disappear.

The Infinite Mind can do all things in your consciousness. It is not governed or controlled by the beliefs of the world.

Infinite Possibilities Are Your Spiritual Birthright.

Spiritual Healing: Turn Within to the Real Source of Healing

Truth, when perceived through deepening awareness and a Spiritual Lens is filtered from the spiritual realm to the mental field, becoming an instrument of the soul. Intuition, insight, and understanding access the Frequency of Health, the Wisdom of the Heart, the Knowledge of the Luminous Higher Realms and the Healer Within.

What can a Spiritual Mind Treatment help with?

  1. A Spiritual Mind Treatment clears the thought of negation, the intruders of doubt and fear, allowing you to perceive and feel the Truth of the ever Living Spirit and Victorious Presence that is never separate from you.

  2. A Spiritual Mind Treatment helps you to uplift your perception and change your thinking over to spiritual ideas.

  3. A Spirtual Mind Treatment sets free the Life Power in you to do ITS perfect work.

  4. A Spiritual Mind Treatment brings about positive change. It invites health into your consciousness and body by focusing your awareness, images, thoughts and beliefs to the desired outcome.

Principle in Practice

The Ancients taught that to know and understand the divinity of who you are and your Creative Power is the key to rise above limitation, ignorance, lack and illness. In Spiritual Mind Treatment we affirm that this Divine Harmony is now operating through your soul directing it and stimulating healing results into action. For what is true of the Whole must be true of ITS manifestation (parts or forms).

"Melissa Zollo and I had a wonderful interview on my Mind Health Matters Radio Show. Ms Zollo clearly knows and communicates the Laws of Self-Healing. We concur on the patient's responsibility to take an active role in their own healing process."

Bernie Siegel, MD
Author of New York Times Best Selling Book Love, Medicine and Miracles

The Causal or Spiritual Body

Listening to Divine Presence, and desiring only that which is the right healing outcome for you and using the immutable Law of Cause and Effect, new thought forms and images will be projected into specific healing conditions contingent on your mental and subjective acceptance and identification.

From a Spiritual Perspective, together you and I can access the Realm of the Wondrous, corresponding abilities of Higher Mind and move beyond the limitations of the physical world to directly access your connection to your spiritual body. It is here that the Causal Body, Higher Self and highest subtle vibrational energies exist and all separateness disappears.

The Spiritual Body deals with the causes that lie behind the unreality of appearances. It provides us with the power to let go of that which we do not desire, and embrace that which we wish to have.

“Disease is not a cause but an effect. Disease is caused by false ideas, ‘contain fear and excite the mind’, which by a false direction, brings about the phenomenon called disease. Fear affects the mind. Every idea (belief) affects people in proportion to their capacity to understand.”

Dr. Phineas Quimby- 1863

“October 20, at around 10:00 PM, I knew my body was in serious trouble; I called 911, and EMT workers rushed me to the ER of a nearby hospital.  I was stabilized; I went to sleep.  When I woke in the early morning, I immediately called  Rev. Melissa Zollo for help and a Spiritual Mind Treatment.” 

Rev. Zollo picked up.  I told her I was in the ER and “They do not know what’s wrong with me.”  Without hesitation, she began the treatment. 

Later that day, after numerous tests, the head surgeon of a team of about 4 or 5 told me a LARGE pulmonary embolism was next to my heart.

I calmly inquired if I was lucky to be alive.  “Yes!” was his response, with the rest of the surgeons slightly nodding in agreement.

Instead of panicking, I IMMEDIATELY called Melissa for a second treatment; she answered.  I told her their findings and that surgery was being discussed.  The blessings had begun, because I asked the surgeon if he would speak to Reverend Zollo, and he said, “YES.”

With the iPhone speaker on, I heard her ask, “What outcome do you want?”  He began with brief medical terms, she said, “No, the outcome!” Not missing a beat, next I heard MELISSA SPEAK the intended literal HEALING outcome and without hesitation, the surgeon agreed!

In less than an hour, a completely new doctor came in and said, “Amazingly your vitals are now good, we will not have to operate; instead, we will administer medication; we will monitor you in ICU for about 2 days; if all goes well, we will send you home with the same medicine to take orally; and your body will dissolve the clot.”  


Knowing her and how she has impacted my life, before and after the emergency incident, I can unequivocally state that she is a person of impeccable integrity, knowledge, and skills.

I highly recommend a session with her.”

- D.Y. Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Unprecedented Prosperity Incorporated

Do You See That Which You Are Afraid Of?

  • Open your eyes and see how you have been deceived by ignorance!

  • Ignorance and superstition direct us to look for causes inside phenomenon.

  • Just as danger of an “effect” ignites fear, your courage is the element to call upon the Conquering Presence and annihilate it.

  • There is Wisdom within you that can be applied to flawed beliefs that cause suffering. You are the power that evolves consciousness beyond limitation.

  • Your Freedom is in seeing beyond the “World of Man Made Beliefs and Opinions”, liberating your soul from bondage and rising into the Realm of the Wondrous.

The Art of True Healing

  • Spiritual Mind Treatment is the science, the art, and the act of consciously generating a creative thought within the Universal Realm of the Wondrous, for the aim of activating it. Once activated. a transducer accepts energy in one form and gives back related energy in a different form.  Each of us is surrounded by a Creative Substance which responds to us through the Universal Law of Correspondence.

  •  Spiritual Mind Treatment involves the process and method of clearing thoughts of fear, doubt, denial, and rising into the Infinite Mind, an omnipotent Force Field,  that incorporates All Wisdom, All Life, All Substance, All Love, the ALL of the ALL. Allness is necessary to the changing of our thought.

  •  A Spiritual Mind Treatment clears torment and fear-based mind activity and brings the mind back to the body. it opens the gateway to perceiving the ever-presence of the Divine and restores harmony

  •  Spiritual Mind Treatment is the recognition and acceptance that Divine Presence is ALL THAT IS, that there is no time/space where the Living Spirit is not;  that we are all Energy Flowing Beings, here and now, and that all the abundance of the Universe is already ours if we accept and embody it. It is not supplication or petition. It is a method used to realign our thought with our Truth. It is based on our knowledge that the Universe is a Wholeness in which The Living Spirit works continuously as Principle to manifest as form or effect.


You and I must partake of the Divine Nature if ALL comes from It or is made out of It; for what is true of the Whole must also be true of any of Its parts.

"I first heard Melissa Zollo speak at the Hilton Hotel in New York City in 2005. Since then, I've taken several teleseminars and learned about The Imaginal Dynamic and the Power of Imagination. I was skeptical to say the least. Then it happened -- my family was challenged. At the age of 61, my mother became very ill. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons, Dementia, Alzheimer's, and severe depression. In one year she was hospitalized three times, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at a time. The top hospitals in New York City could not help her.

The doctors gave up on my mother and my family.  We were told to accept her condition, and place her in a home. We did not know where or who else to turn to. Something within me made me contact Ms. Zollo for a consultation.

Melissa Zollo was the only person who saw the light at the end of the tunnel. My consultation led to a consult between Melissa and my mother.

What's amazing about this is that my mother had lost the desire to speak. However, that did not distract Melissa's focus or belief in the imaging process and so my family agreed. When the consult was over, Melissa simply said, the image is in, now focus on the result and live as if the impossible was made possible in your life. I wanted to know how it would happen but Melissa explained that it wasn't my job to determine the ways and the means.

 Within 4 months my mother began to improve. Her desire to speak came back. She lost weight. She had a limited memory of being ill. Now exactly one year later, I am thrilled to say that my mother is currently enjoying her grandchildren and traveling the world. Melissa Zollo taught me how to rise above a medical diagnosis, trust an image, keep going in the face of adversity, and believe in the healer within and most of all myself.

To create the life you want, I highly recommend Melissa Zollo and the Present Memory programs. If you follow her instructions you will live your dream.”

Marisa Rizzo, Mother/Accountant
Staten Island, NY

The Living Spirit creates through Law. The Law is Mind in Action. The Creative Principle is eternally acting upon thought. It is continually producing images from the mind and projecting them out into manifestation. If you need a Spiritual Mind Treatment book a session with Dr Melissa.

 Already scheduled your session?  Click here to make payment.


Everything in existence, including thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies, is made up of energy. Spiritual healing, or energy healing, works with these energy patterns to promote healing and growth.

Ancient Wisdom teaches us that we are all interconnected. This means that we can access and work with your energy field from anywhere in the world.

During a remote healing session, I act as a guide. I connect with your energy to gain insights, validate your experiences, and provide guidance. The focus is on your personal growth, health, healing and conscious evolution.

My clients find remote sessions to be convenient and effective.

To read more about how Melissa has changed people’s lives through her unique techniques, check out her reviews and testimonials, or if you would like to speak to Melissa Zollo about how Spiritual Mind Treatment could help you, please get in touch today.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.


“I am an RN working in a hospital where all the patients that I cared for were COVID-19 positive. The negative energy and sickness in the environment finally got to me and I became ill. I was very sick, went through the various phases of the illness but when I finally reached out to Melissa, I was desperate.

 I had been nauseous and dehydrated for many days and I was supposed to go to the ER. That evening I had a ‘spiritual mind healing treatment’ session that left me feeling relaxed and less nauseous.

The next morning, I woke up feeling brand new! It’s like I came back to life from withering away. The symptoms were gone. It was a miracle! It was Melissa’s gifted work from the night before. I will remain forever grateful.

A heartfelt thank you to Melissa Zollo who offered her services to me when she found out I was sick with COVID-19.”

Andrea L., Registered Nurse

To read more about how Melissa has changed people’s lives through her unique techniques, check out her testimonials, or if you would like to speak to Melissa Zollo about how Spiritual Mind Treatment could help you, please get in touch today.


Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner.  She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.

Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy

Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.


Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.



The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.