Read the many success stories and rave reviews Rev. Melissa Zollo has received.
“For the past decade I’ve been using a variety of personal development programs, but not until I received Melissa Zollo’s “Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation” have I experienced a set of tools that are as clear, direct, forceful, and inspiring as hers. Literally within days of listening to the CD’s, forming a new blueprint, and beginning my daily visioning practice, I manifested my dream house, despite several major obstacles that I previously would have shied away from. I enthusiastically recommend Melissa’s programs, especially for people who have had trouble achieving results with the Law of Attraction alone.”
Paul Davison
Co-Founder, www.OrganicGreenMommy.com
Boxford, MA
“I started using the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program six weeks ago, and the changes that have occurred in my life are nothing short of miraculous. I am a single working mother of three children. I work two jobs, and I have a limited support network. I can honestly say I was hesitant as to whether I would find the time necessary to allow this program to work for me. However, not only have I found the time necessary, but, I find myself looking forward to making this time available for me. This program has helped me take the principles of imaging and apply them in my life. In six short weeks, I have completely changed my life around. I am happy. I am successful. I am secure. I love my life and myself. I have manifested a two-week family vacation in Florida, a new PC, and I am getting a whole new career off the ground. And as wonderful as all these things are, the best part of what Melissa Zollo has given me is the following: I have learned that the biggest obstacle standing in the way of my dreams was me. I often sabotaged my own images. However, I am now successfully eliminating these obstacles from my life. The first obstacle was I often spoke to my friends about my future dreams, and in their good intentions I allowed them to influence me, and I would sabotage my own images. Because they couldn't see it, I listened and believed they were right! And if they thought I couldn't do it, then how could I think I could? Well, the moment I stopped sharing my dreams and desires with friends that was the moment my images started to materialize! Not allowing others to influence my day, my mood, or what state I choose to be in, has given me the peaceful feeling I have been searching for! Feel free to use this testimonial as proof that the Present Memory audio program not only works, but if you use it and apply it correctly it can work wonders!”
Lorraine V. DiDio, Poet
New York
"Three years ago my son decided he needed to separate from our family. It was a harsh surprise and very difficult, to say the least, for our whole family, since we were so very close. The anguish I felt in not knowing where he was, or how he was doing was almost unbearable. This past year I was introduced to the wonderful work of Melissa Zollo and the whole concept of creative imaging and blueprinting the Inner You. After attending a powerful seminar with Melissa in NYC I realized that I needed to change my own negative thought patterns and overcome my doubts and fears so I began to use her audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination, I began to "believe and feel" that my son would return in his time. I then began to make concrete changes in my own life. I am now happy to say that my son contacted me and we have reconnected!!! I now know from personal experience that pain and sorrow can be replaced with happiness if one knows how to make the impossible possible. Melissa's work directly helped me achieve this healing and I am very grateful.
This experience has had such a deep effect on me that I am willing to speak to any parent who is dealing with a similar crisis/situation about Melissa Zollo's work. I believe in it so much."
Susan Lustig,
Licenced Physical Therapist Assistant, LPTA
Lynchburg, Virginia
“The Present Memory audio programs and e-books take the power of positive thinking one step further. My 12 year old son used this program for school. During a difficult exam, he imaged a test score of 95 and that is exactly what he scored. He has learned to be a more positive and secure young man. With Melissa Zollo's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program you learn that nothing is impossible, you only need to believe.”
Rosemary Taranto
Staten Island, New York
"I just discovered something very special today. If I don't have an image that I love to go to, I can't change the patterns, and the negative feelings that come up. I had a job that paid me very well. Every morning I would try hard to get the feeling that I loved this job, the people, the office, the work, anything, then it struck me there was nothing about the job that I loved. I had another job that I was working on that didn't pay quite as well, but I loved the people, I loved the office, and I loved the work. Now I realize that I can only have a job that I love. Fighting the anger inside me is impossible if I don't have something to go to that I love. Thank you Melissa for the teaching and the support with the Present Memory tools."
Leslie Avery, Underwater Videographer, New York
"Congratulations on the gift you have given to countless women! My own work with battered women makes me wish Present Memory would be available to every domestic assault shelter. I want to thank you for your wonderful contribution to all women."
P. Bump
“1991 should have been the most wonderful year of my life instead it brought me joy and sorrow. I had met a wonderful man and we were planning to marry. My Mom (who was my best friend in the world) was happy and a little sad about the marriage. My Mom was happy that I had met a wonderful guy, and sad in the sense that she was "losing her little girl". As a traditional Mom, she wanted me to have the "Cinderella" wedding. My fiancée and I were more interested in a house, but my Mom finally won and we planned the "Cinderella" wedding. My Mom had been diagnosed with emphysema, but even with the illness lived a full and productive life. In June my Mom went into the hospital. Going into the hospital for her wasn't that unusual because from time to time she would experience difficulties breathing or sometimes needed to have her medication adjusted. However, this time she wound up in ICU. Apparently she had developed a rare parasite from all the steroids they had given her for breathing. The parasite ran through her body and on June 21, 1991 she passed away. I literally went into shock, as did my entire family. All I remember people asking me was are you okay and me saying yes, I'm okay. Everyone also kept asking me if were going through with the wedding. In my heart, I knew I couldn't cancel the wedding plans, because my Mom's dream was for her little girl to have the "Cinderella" wedding. On July 26,1991 (four weeks after her death) we were married. I didn't realize the impact everything had on me. Day by day I kept my routine and tried to adjust to being a newlywed. Until one day it all hit me. I felt total devastation and sorrow. It felt as if I was in a bottomless pit that I would never crawl out of and it didn't get better. In my mind I started blaming everyone (including my husband). At that point my husband was trying to understand but felt helpless as to what I was dealing with. Someone at work told me about the Present Memory Power of Imagination program and consultations with Melissa Zollo. I contacted her. I soon learned how to deal with the grief and sorrow. I stopped blaming everyone (including the great guy I had just married). I am very happy to say that this July 26th we will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary. Believe it or not I really don't think this would have happened unless I used this program and did the inner work. It teaches you how to heal yourself. Everyone in life deals with sorrows and devastation's but with the Power of Imagination "you can heal".”
Joanne Maresca
Weeden & Co. L.P., Greenwich, Connecticut
“I am impressed by Melissa’s ability to make ideas about consciousness and imagination immediately accessible. As I work with the program, I am touched by Melissa’s generosity and the joy with which she imparts this information. Melissa has helped me to zero in on my dreams and then plant seeds with tools like those of a master gardener.”
Twink McKenney
Artist and Astrologer, CT
“I have had enormous success working with the Discover the Power of Imaginationaudio program in all areas of my life: financial, physical and spiritual. While I welcome the material and health gains, the most profound change has been with my spirit. Over the past two decades I have read dozens of spiritual books, attended many self-improvement seminars, and worked with a few visualization programs. While these books, seminars and programs have been influential, none of them have had the transformative power that Melissa Zollo's program has had on my life. As a result of working with this program I have had deep spiritual insights that have motivated me to change my life patterns. I am consciously living in a more joyous state than ever before. Before Present Memory I could only read about other peoples profound spiritual awakenings, wondering how I could attain such peace and harmony, wondering if it were possible for me. Today, after working with the program for only three months, I am living in a state of joy. And the beauty of it is that it is just you and the CD's, but mostly you. There is no guru to follow, no leader, no idealized super person whom you have to pattern yourself after. Just work the CD's, believe in yourself and you will change your life.”
Donna Risolo
College Professor
New York City
"The cat is out of the bag: We create our own reality. Given this Truth, the burning question then is: Why are so many people dissatisfied with their lives? Obviously it is because they have not learned the art of conscious creating. So we see that theory is not enough. Just plain know-how does not fill the bill. Well, there’s some really good news! Melissa Zollo has taken the basic teachings about creative imagining and evolved her own unique approach – and it works. And the reason it works is because she walks the walk herself and knows how to teach others to do it as well. There is no longer any excuse. Present Memory provides the materials and Melissa provides the support. With such a tough-loving powerhouse behind you as Melissa, you cannot fail."
Shira Nahari –Israeli Tour Guide
"I came to Melissa at a very difficult time in my life. My new marriage was ending and my world was shattering fast. I didn't know how to put the pieces back together. Once a week, Melissa and I would work from the Present Memory Power of Imagination program. I imagined being in a happy marriage and my husband totally in love with me. 3 times a day I systematically repeated all the positive imagery I set up for myself. I must admit that at first I felt kind of silly doing this: but as time passed, things started to happen. My life was taking on new meaning and I was enjoying it again. Needless to say, I am very happy now and married to a wonderful man, my soul mate. I have so much to thank Melissa for, especially for creating the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program. My life has come together and I am forever grateful to her. If you feel that life has dealt you a bad hand turn it around by using the Present Memory tools. You will be amazed at the results."
Forever Grateful,
Camille Favalora, Office Manager
Weeden & Co. L.P.
Greenwich, Connecticut
"These programs are imbued with a spirit of deep, loving, wisdom and clarity I have not found in any other self -improvement personal growth tape program. They have helped me, and several of my clients, to move beyond difficult areas of blockage when other approaches were ineffective."
J. Peterson. C.S.W Psychotherapist
New York
"I am a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and a board certified expert in traumatic stress. My foundation is social work, therefore I believe in using every means available to help my patients and myself. I have recently had the good fortune of hearing the Discover the Power of Imagination program. This program has brought me to new heights, accompanied by profound feelings of joy. What I feel is that I have recreated myself, as a 'Golden Temple,' a vision I had while listening to them. My creativity has soared. Thank you, thank you!"
Judy Gotthoffer CSW, BCETS
New York, NY
“It was a pleasure to have Melissa Zollo as the speaker at the Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy. Her enthusiasm, insight, skillfulness, wisdom and caring were deeply appreciated by me and the large group that attended.”
Kenneth Porter, M.D., President, Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy
New York City, New York
"I'm a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City and Westchester. I specialize in depression, anxiety, substance abuse, stress management, and workplace and family issues. I have been using the Discover the Power of Imagination program both personally and professionally. It assists me in tapping into personal resources that enhance the growth process. They are natural mood enhancer's. They are powerful tools for self empowerment and I am grateful for having discovered them. Using the Present Memory audio program on a daily basis has enriched my professional and personal life!"
Patricia Pagano, C.S.W.
New York City, NY
Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.
Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner. She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.
Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy
Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.
Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.
The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.