Ocean Crossing

by Melissa Zollo

This blog post Ocean Crossing is dedicated to Richard Bach.

My friends said, "Don't do it. If the current doesn't drown you, smashing up against those rocks surely will."

My parents said, "Oh dear, why choose such a big one? What will the neighbors say?"

My co-workers said, "Think of those who never made it."

The doctors said, "That ocean will drown you quicker than the weariness you feel. Let's check your medication."

My lover said, "What about me?"

Others said, "So many obstacles to overcome."

But it's my ocean. My obstacle! My challenge! My dream! I attracted it. I will trust. They all asked, "Why?" I wondered," Why not?"

They focused on the difficulties, I on the solutions -- my freedom, my happiness, the crossing, and the adventure.

Everyone laughed. "It is too big, too deep, too cold, too tough, too many unknowns, too many hungry sharks. Stop now before you get in over your head."

I realized that their way of life was built on resistance.

They had learned from birth to never question, always to follow, to fear change, resist and give up. But I was tired of clinging tightly to my old way of life.

I thought, "How will I know if I have the power to swim with the sharks if I don't try? I will learn how to allow the current to guide me."

I turned away. I tapped into my courage. I let go. I took a deep breath and stepped into the deep end of the ocean of life.

I looked back once.

I turned to all of them who represented each and every one of my doubts, and I said, "Dear parents, teachers, business associates, doctors, so called friends, religious holy men, advisors and the world at large -- you have done and said everything possible to convince me that it is acceptable to live an unhappy, fear based, enslaved life. You insist that I must accept limitations and misery, never getting what I really want out of life. But I say that happiness is a cosmic phenomenon. It opens the door to the Realm of the Wondrous. The Light of the Undivided One is all happiness, joy, laughter, love. IT gives me the freedom to be who I am. And I choose new adventures inspired by my highest vision and deepest thoughts. I trust that Infinite Spirit now opens the way and guides guide me as I break down the barriers of lack in my own consciousness. I pin my trust to Divine Mind. It is you who are under a spell with your fear-based beliefs of separation, limitation, and terror. I claim my divine right to live and be blessed in this and every moment. I must let go."

As I began to move away from the crowd, I said in parting, "You will see me on the other side of my dream. I will be the one radiating success and joy, and shouting with gladness that I did it. I swam with the current. I learned from the sharks. I overcame the riptide. And in the end I will meet those who see me as I now see myself: triumphant, aware, happy, loved, loving, grateful and abundantly blessed."

Melissa Zollo Author of "Discover the Power of Imagination and Art of Intentional Creation”

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