The Hidden Power of a Health Image
by Melissa Zollo
The secret ingredient to combat the flu season is your health image
Ever wondered why some people catch every flu that comes around while others thrive during winter? Why do some achieve extraordinary health while others expect illness?
Thoughts Are Things
Your thoughts create vibrations that affect your health. Negative thoughts are like throwing garbage; they harm your well-being and that of those around you. When you think about illness, you're aligning with an illness image, which can manifest on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels.
Flu Season: A Sales Pitch
Pharmaceutical companies thrive on the notion of flu season, using media to indoctrinate us with images of illness. These ads are designed to sell products by linking sickness to certain times of year, but they don't address the root of health:
“The introduction of antigens into the blood stream to produce antibodies is an exercise in pure insanity. The word antibody means ‘against life or the body.’ All cells of the body, and all material life for that matter, have the primary function of adaptation. Nothing gets smaller or weaker but must of necessity adapt and get stronger. Vaccines and antibodies are the genesis of more potent and devastating diseases."
– Dr. Frank Parisi
Use Discretion
Pills and flu shots might offer temporary relief, but they don't combat the underlying health concepts. Germs are part of your body's ecosystem, not something to fear.
Media Influence
Be cautious with media, especially when you're tired. Just as you choose what TV or radio shows to watch, choose whether to resonate with messages of illness or health. The Law of Identical Harvest reminds us, "Like attracts like."
Root Out the Weeds
Like weeds in a garden, illness concepts need to be uprooted. Review commercials critically; see if they sow seeds of disease or health. Health cannot be bought in a bottle; it's summoned from within by transforming your thought patterns.
The Power Within
The same power that created your body can heal it. Your health is shaped by your beliefs:
Every cell in your body responds to what you accept as true about your health.
Action Steps for Health
Here are some questions to guide you in nurturing a positive health image:
What inherited or learned concepts limit or expand your health-image?
How do your emotions influence your health and that of your environment?
Are you living in harmony with Nature's Laws?
If illness can be contagious, can health be too?
Do you care for your body with the same enthusiasm as for your car, pets, or wardrobe?
Are you feeding your body with live, nutritious foods or devitalized ones?
Are you giving your body the movement it needs?
How do you practice internal and external cleanliness?
Do you allow time for rest and recovery?
Are you carrying day's worries into your sleep, knowing the subconscious never sleeps?
Are you caught in a cycle of low-frequency emotions like fear and anger?
The Habit of Health
Changing an illness pattern requires more than wishful thinking; it demands a commitment to new habits:
· Discipline yourself with regular spiritual treatments.
Decide what you want and commit to it.
Cultivate enthusiasm for health over following the crowd.
Clear out mental slums that foster beliefs in illness and lack.
No Such Thing as Flu Season in the Source Within
The Living Spirit within you is unchangeable, as Albert Einstein noted, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be changed!" Change your consciousness, and you change what you attract.
Imagine the Feeling
Imagine the self-confidence of knowing you can harness your inner healing powers. As more people become aware of their spiritual nature, the victim mentality fades, making way for conscious choice makers who enhance life's balance and harmony.
Health Begins in Your Consciousness
Health is not just a physical state; it's a state of mind. You must identify with health, feel it deeply, and use your inner resources. Until you master the Healing Law of Imaging, you'll be at the mercy of seasonal illnesses.
Choose Your Channel
Your life is dominated by the images you hold. Want to express health? Tune into the right vibrational frequency. The choice is yours—to live in health or illness.
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