Read the teleseminar success stories and rave reviews Rev. Melissa Zollo has received.
“After listening to Melissa Zollo's 4 part teleseminar series called "Sessions", Awakening Financial Success Through the Power of Imagination, I was in such a high feeling of awareness that money was pouring into my life, and confident that I had it now, that I was delighted to learn I received a wonderful bonus from my job. The Money Came! Yes, I manifested a new financial result 2 weeks into the series by following Melissa's clear, practical and inspiring instructions. It gets better. I kept imaging the money came and I received a 2nd bonus. My sales are flying off the chart, business is thriving, and more money is pouring in. The the most important thingI Iearned from taking Melissa's teleseminar is not to identify with mass consciousness of economic loss. Each session challenged me to "rise up", think and grow beyond the limits of my inherited beliefs. I now know that the key to success is to IMAGINATE! Image First. Truth principles work and Melissa Zollo's "Sessions"profoundly deepened my own knowledge and success in applying them to my life. Who could ask for anything more-- a real person who actually gives you the HOW TO with examples, precision and clarity. If you want to live fearlessly and have it all use the invaluable Present Memory audio programs every day, expect financial success, and you will improve the quality of your life deeper than you have ever known.
PS Oprah needs to know about Melissa Zollo and hear what this street smart spirit wise woman has to say!”
Elizabeth Baxter - Sales Representative - MA
“Melissa Zollo's 4 week Sessions on Awakening Financial Success was my personal school for self-discovery and financial success beyond my wildest dreams!!!
Like most people who want to grow in self-awareness and beyond limitations I take teleseminars and seminars because I know the discipline and structure help me to stay focused and on track with my dreams and goals. I would like to go on record and say that Melissa Zollo's Sessions on awakening wealth was a teleseminar series that was unlike anything that has ever been produced before because it took you by the hand and grounded you as you proceeded on your journey of awakening financial success. It was a complete tele-course that gave you the Secret to Letting Go and the Laws of Living Fearlessly and Having It All. It was designed beautifully to assist each participant to rise up to the level of fulfillment regarding money, wealth, riches and true abundance.
Ms Zollo is a truly gifted speaker. Her thoughtful delivery sparkled with empowering insights, stories, encouraging ideas, and her practical delivery threw open the doors to the riches buried deep within me. On the morning following the first teleseminar I was so filled with healing ideas that I went for a walk. Crossing the street I looked down and there in a sewer of all places was the most beautiful ring. As I reached for it I knew my 'fresh start' had begun. The ring signified my desire to cancel out past regrets and align with the Power that never betrays my beliefs and emotional or vibrational frequency. During the month I learned to really IMAGINATE/ IMAGE FIRST and remain loyal to my mental blueprint in the face of great adversity. Melissa encouraged me to believe in myself, look beyond appearances and to do things in a specific way even though everything looked like all was lost and hopeless. You see, I was dealing with the legal system and I had been told that I was shut out of money that was rightfully mine. Instead of fighting the system or going to court I decided to carefully follow Melissa's instructions and Imaginate. It was not easy to overcome my own fears and let go of being right but my hope for answers motivated me to proceed. I finally captured the feeling that "the Money Came". I now know beyond all resistance and doubts that financial success is not an accident but a creative Imaginal Act.
Two days ago I was notified by my lawyer that a letter was found that resulted in my receiving over two hundred thousand dollars. The Money Really Came! My financial success is the result of the proper use of my imagination and ALL of the Universal Laws of Life. Here is what I did: I claimed VICTORY as I used Melissa Zollo's Power of Imagination and How to Attract Money CD programs faithfully - every day - 3 times a day until my dream for justice, truth and financial compensation manifested. I am so deeply touched and ever so grateful to Melissa for these SESSIONS and for showing me how to never give up on my dreams and myself.
Melissa's ideas and insights are the springboards to financial success for women and men from all walks of life. If you have a strong desire to become the architect of your life, purchase her CD's NOW. These remarkable tools will help you to focus your mind, rebuild belief, and fulfill your goals. Empower yourself, expand your understanding and your financial success and happiness is inevitable.”
Mary Ann Victors, Retired Teacher, NY
"I highly recommend everyone listen to Melissa Zollo's new CD on the Law of Vibration. Her examples of people who use this law successfully is impressive. The quality is excellent. Listening to it is easy. You can feel her high vibration, enthusiasm, and desire to share her secrets and insights on Spiritual Law and conscious imaging. Melissa has provided another mental tool for all serious seekers to use as they travel the road of life. I consider it a must have. The more I listen to it, the more my understanding of how I attract or repel solutions grows. It is already helping me change my own life. Listening to the Law of Vibration leaves me wanting more! It is an exceptional CD!"
Deborah Corbin
Licenced Physical Therapist
Pranic/ Reiki Healer
Andover MA
"I recently listened to a teleseminar with Melissa Zollo on "Using the Laws of Consciousness". I love Melissa's work because she is coming from truth, faith, and unconditional love and she doesn't judge. She also applies Unity principles amongst other things. I myself am an example of what she is talking about. I had an aggressive glioblastoma multiforme Stage1V brain tumor which has healed, much to the surprise of the medical community. I did it with unconditional love and faith, along with radiation and a variety of complementary, holistic healing approaches. I constantly hold an image of health for myself and never doubted I would heal. I highly recommend everyone take a teleseminar with Melissa. She speaks from truth."
Rev. Bud Paulding, D.D.
Licensed Unity teacher and Interfaith Minister
South Salem, NY
"I took Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on the Law of Vibration and loved every moment of it. Ms Zollo has a tremendous gift. She is capable of communicating the subtleties of Spiritual Laws and how to practically apply them to all aspects of life. Melissa understands emotions and zero's in on the connection between Love and the "right image" and how this combination generates and attracts the fulfillment of dreams. Melissa Zollo's teleseminars are invaluable."
John Krey
Boston University, B.S. Biology
Bowling Green State University, M.A. Chemistry
Northeastern University, Med
"I heard Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on " Using the Laws of Consciousness" and found it very useful and inspirational. I realized that the big concept is that your thoughts must be connected with your feelings for an image to manifest successfully. It helped me get to the core of what is going on with my patients and more importantly think about how to hold an image for my patients. Much of her lecture connected with points in my own work and my passion to help my patients do the right thing for themselves. I highly recommend anyone in the healing arts take her teleseminar."
Dr. Mark Romano, ND
Qi Gong teacher
Westport, CT
"The teleseminar is a great way to expand on Melissa Zollo's audio programs. I have been using the How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money CD and I've had the best week I've ever had. The program works and reflects the best in a mind/body/spirit approach to wealth."
Dr. Brian Henninger, ND
Stratford, CT.
"I highly recommend taking a teleseminar with Melissa Zollo. I loved it. I learned that her work is more than visualization--you have to "feel" and believe your image into existence--and that is a very useful concept I had never heard before."
Dr. Glenn Meltzer
Fairfield, CT.
"I enjoyed Melissa's teleseminar. It gave me a much deeper insight on how to achieve my goals in all aspects of my life. Just listening to Melissa... you can feel her dedication to the audio program and people who are now part of the Present Memory family."
Richard E. Warsin
Norwalk, CT
"Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on the "Laws of Consciousness" was very inspirational. I believe she provides a roadmap for success that works. She also applies Unity principles in a practical way. Her talk was concise, informative and very helpful. Irecommend all Unity people take her teleseminars."
Jackie Howard
Attorney/ Member of Unity Church
Washington, DC
"After taking Melissa Zollo's teleseminar and after using her "Discover the Power of Imagination" audio program for a few weeks I brought a major account into my bank which resulted in taking the baseline deposit of the bank from 11 million dollars to 26 million dollars. I manifested so quickly it was like a miracle! I use the program everyday, love it, and recommend people buy and use it."
Barbara Convertito
Westport, CT
"Every opportunity to listen to Melissa speak is a blessing. When I first heard Melissa speak on WBAI my ears perked and my heart and mind leaned forward with full attention. I was immediately attracted to what she was saying. She was laying out the understanding that I have been seeking. The laws of thinking/feeling/ behavior and the laws of vibration, attraction, and imaging, WOW! I ordered the audio programs and found them brilliant and useful. I then booked for her teleseminar on the Laws of Vibration and a private session. Each time I learn something new. Each time I am clearer on how I am creating my reality and how I can use these tools to consciously create my vision. Melissa is adept at listening and moving you into an experiential state of this work. She changed my world and I am grateful to her. Thank you Melissa!"
Annette Moy
Health Practitioner
Brooklyn, New York
"I recently had the opportunity to take Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on the Law of Vibration and I loved it. Just want to say... Thank you Melissa.You helped me even more last night with my understanding of what I have been doing to myself for the last 20 years with my thinking. May all your dreams come true for you!"
Clarence Aspelund
Business Owner-Sales and Marketing
Ansonia, CT
"I had the opportunity to listen in on Melissa Zollo teleseminar on the Law of Vibration and I loved it. It reinforced my need to change my thinking and keep focused on the postive outcome of my dreams. Melissa gave excellent examples of people at all stages of understanding.. I have been going within and studying the laws of life for a long time. Since using Melissa's "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional" CD program, I have found it so much easier to do inner work. As someone who attends Unity services, I feel Melissa's audio CD program is an excellent tool designed to help anyone familiar with spiritual principles learn how to "apply" them successful!"
Mary Kay Rourke
Human Services
Unity on the River Church Attendee
Amesbury, MA.
"Melissa Zollo's exciting teleseminar on the Law of Vibration was a powerful and deeply profound explanation of "how to use" this great law of life. It was a beautifully delivered and crafted lecture with focused, precise, and accessible language. Melissa's message that life is a do-it-yourself proposition continually reminds me that it takes courage and persistence to change oneself from the inside, to keep on going when challenged by doubt, and most of all to never ever give up on my dreams."
Betsey Beaven
The Political Palate
Second Seasonal Political Palate
The Perennial Political Palate
"Melissa's work has great truths and insight. She has helped me see many more layers in becoming clear about the law of imagining and attraction in the universe. "Whatever is inside energetically manifests outside." This is a law that I thought I understood. Melissa's work, however, helped me get clear about even more layers of truths with valuable tools to assist in manifestation.
I am grateful to the Source of Energy, Light, Spirit and all my teachers for creating a possibility for me to heal and continue to grow, share and manifest abundance. Truly Melissa is another gifted teacher on the journey, that has so much to share with us all! I thank her for giving and being here in life."
Debora Farrington - Jin Shin Do Acupressure and Energy work therapist
Westport, CT
"I recently attended Melissa Zollo's talk at the Olive Leaf Wholeness Center in NYC and listened in on her exciting teleseminar on the Law of Vibration. Both were very informative events. They helped me realize that I can let go of my past memories and replace them with new images for my life. Most of all I learned to keep on going when challenged. Her do-it-yourself approach inspires me to go for it!"
Diane Alston
Medical Professional
Patterson, New Jersey
"Melissa's teleseminar was great! I learn something new each time I hear her speak. Listening to her live inspires and assists me in fine tuning my thoughts and images. At the end of the seminar she encouraged each of us to go within and "image" for ourselves as a way to experience the process. It was very powerful and a great way to end the evening. I felt encouraged to proceed forward and can say from experience that her Power of Imagination CD is the tool to use for the follow-up self-work."
Elizabeth Bullis-Wiese
Fairfield, CT
“I really loved Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on the Law of Vibration. Melissa is a shot of energy and she really keeps you on track when you hit your wall of doubt. She reminds me that I can overcome my distractions, stay focused on success, and feel my joy. It was a very helpful teleseminar to me and reinforces my desire to use her "Discover the Power of Imagination and the Art of Intentional Creation" audio program everyday.”
Chris Wrinn
Milford, CT
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the blessing you have brought to my life today. It has brought a deeper understanding of how the Infinite Source operates. Now I really feel a sense of peace, awareness and a true desire to manifest my dreams. Melissa how did you manage to acquire such wisdom, I wonder? The teleseminar on the Law of Vibration was beautiful. Thank you again for such an incredible experience and God bless you!"
Elena Theresa
United Nations Employee
"I have been using the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program for four years, yet I still find it invaluable to have the principles reinforced in a live format. The teleseminar on the Law of Vibration was a great venue for that. Hearing Melissa's guiding words reinforces my practice of creative imaging, reminding me what I am doing correctly and suggesting ways in which I could maximize my practice."
Donna Risolo
Educator, MA
Sandy Hook, CT
"The cat is out of the bag: We create our own reality. Given this Truth, the burning question then is: Why are so many people dissatisfied with their lives? Obviously it is because they have not learned the art of conscious creating. So we see that theory is not enough. Just plain know-how doesn’t fill the bill. Well, there’s some really good news! Melissa Zollo has taken the basic teachings about creative imagining and evolved her own unique approach – and it works. And the reason it works is because she walks the walk herself and knows how to teach others to do it as well. There is no longer any excuse. Present Memory provides the materials and Melissa provides the support. With such a tough-loving powerhouse behind you as Melissa, you cannot fail."
in Love and Light,
Shira Nahari – Israeli Tour Guide
“Melissa Zollo is a woman with a lot of integrity and courage. I recently took her teleseminar on The Secrets of Using the Law of Consciousness and was so impressed with her presentation. Her focus was on principle not personality and her examples helped me tremendously. In an instant I knew she was speaking from experience and had a desire to help me stand on my own two feet and believe in myself. I have studied spiritual laws with a group for many years but until listening to Ms Zollo and using the Present Memory audio programs, I didn't know how to apply principles to my own problems and challenges. I never knew what was stopping me or why I wasn't attracting the financial results I desired. Now I have the formula for success and the tools to help me focus my mind. begun to attract results. Amazing but true! If you are a member of a spiritual group please take a moment and invest in the teleseminars and Present Memory audio programs. I strongly recommend that you learn how to manifest on your own and how Imagination creates reality!”
Perry Gardner
Health Practitioner
"I recently took both of Melissa Zollo's powerful teleseminars and loved them. Her compassion, love, and courage are so apparent when she speaks. She made me aware that love is the only true power and that forgiving oneself means creating and bringing a new memory forward fused with joy! As a result of the teleseminars, I am more focused and joyful. Melissa Zollo showed me how to use spiritual law in the face of adversity and when challenged by doubts...something no one else has ever done before. After using the audio programs in conjuction with her teleseminars, I doubled my sales commission."
B.B. Ouillma
Sales person
Andover, MA
“I took Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on "Using the Laws of Consciousness." I was very inspired by it and what resonated most with me was her use of spiritual law and principle. Melissa reminded me that it is our birthright to have abundance! I loved how she tapped into Imagination as the means to doing this. The idea of erasing old messages and reframing your life with new mental images was wonderful. This was a very empowering seminar.”
Laura Parisi
Holistic Health Counselor
Old Greenwich, CT
"I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity and blessing to participate in Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on the Law of Consciousness. I was in awe of Ms. Zollo's ability to openly and honestly communicate the essence of the Art of Manifestation.This seminar wasn't about a personality but rather the application of spiritual laws. My Life has changed so much for the better since I have been working with the Present Memory Power of Imagination audio program. I have attracted spectacular health and financial results. Abundance continues to flow into my life and into the lives of family members using PM programs and yet I was amazed to learn how "old" images of myself could still hold me back in other areas of my life. As I listened to Melissa, I learned new techniques for shifting into new states of consciousness. I wished the telseminar could have gone on for hours.
My suggestion to all: Be constant in using the Present Memory audio programs, take the teleseminars and you too will attract a harvest of rich rewards! "Where there is Truth, there is Light." Thank you Melissa Zollo for producing these much needed seminars."
With deep appreciation, I am Jayne Anne Lawrence
Administrative Assistant
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
"The information and the techniques put forth in Melissa Zollo's teleseminars are so specific and clear that you know exactly what you have to do to accomplish your goals. She is very focused and gives excellent examples. Melissa is compassionate but not sympathetic to her listeners' issues. This puts the responsibility totally on you, not on any guru. The Present Memory CD programs are an excellent way to continue to practice what you have learned in the seminars. I strongly recommend them if you want to learn how to manifest your desires."
Yvette Romero
Public Relations
New Jersey
"I recently took the Melissa Zollo's excellent teleseminar on "Using the Laws of Consciousness". I loved it! It was wonderful! She inspired me. I have used many different author's works over the years, but I now use Melissa's "Discover the Power of Imagination" audio program. I honestly feel she is the only one who has given me the tools I need to change my life."
Mary Lou Thompson
Unit Secretary
Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CT
"Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on "Using the Laws of Consciousness" was excellent. I have four pages of notes! I particularly liked Melissa's tone and presentation. While familiar with some of the material, her work expressed simple "truths" that are easy to forget and very important to be reminded of. I am really glad I took the teleseminar and recommend everyone take one!"
Gail Ostrow
Bridgeport, CT
"I really enjoyed Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on Using the Laws of Consciousness. It was a great reminder to get myself back on track and have the faith to move forward. Her emphasis that your desire must be stronger than your old image in order to change was reinforced. I was inspired by her, found it very helpful, and my vibration went up afterwards. Everyone should take her teleseminars."
Michael Nellenback
Former retail store manager
"I found Melissa's teleconference very interesting and informative. I have felt better about my life since then! I am grateful I had the opportunity to hear her and look forward to using her "Discover the Power of Imagination" audio program for myself."
Kathleen Wheeler Ph.D., APRN, Professor
Fairfield University
Fairfield, CT
"Melissa Zollo has a wonderful grasp of positive prayer and positive imaging. Her teleseminar and her audio program "How to Unleash the Power Within" have helped me to tune into my own intentions. I recommend anyone from Unity church to take one of her teleseminars and use the programs. They are a direct practical application of Unity principles."
Steve Sellery
Unity Church
Norwalk, CT
"The teleseminar with Melissa Zollo was excellent. The hour was well spent as I gained a lot of real insight into ways I can improve my life."
Milford Edwards
WDJZ radio host
Bridgeport, CT.
"The teleseminar was wonderful. It reinforced for me how special Melissa's work is and that change is possible. I love using the "Discover the Power of Imagination"audio program. How special it is to be able to enhance my relationship with my 4 year old son by choosing love, joy and laughter."
Ronni Lasher
Customer Service - Natural Living Department, Wild Oats Natural Foods Market
Norwalk, CT.
“I recently took Melissa Zollo's teleseminar. I loved it. She speaks the truth! She's got it! I have also been using the "How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money" audio program. Melissa has found some key principles that when utilized consistently will attract the income and lifestyle that one desires.”
Maria Seaman
Mortgage Consultant
Darien, CT
"I thought Melissa's teleseminar was very helpful and she was awesome. She is a very evolved person. I can't wait for the next one!"
Pam Hatfield
Designer for Homes
Bridgeport, CT
“I loved Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on the Law of Vibration. She seems very real and her information was quite valuable and useful. I was truly inspired! Melissa helped me to recognize that I have the power within me to change. I just have to bring it out.”
V A Barrow
Records Manager
Bronx, NY
“I really enjoyed the Feb 28, teleseminar. Melissa answered every single question that I had about the law of vibration and how to use it. The best part for me was that she presented the information in a new way. It really got me thinking about different ways to apply the law to my life. And since then there has been a flow with new job offers and people calling. Everything is so much easier and much more fun. This hastotally taken me out of victim-hood and put me in the driver's seat of my life. It was important for me to be encouraged to never give up no matter what the physical circumstances look like.!”
Rachel Perzanowski
Bridgeport, CT
“Dear Melissa,
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with our retailers last night.The conference call was enlightening and helped many! You provided a process for transformation of overcoming our fears and doubts. As you described, this is especially true for many of us around our third week in our business when the euphoria of our decision to change our lives is dissipating and the doubts and fears from our past habits and conditioning start raising their ugly heads again. People now have a process and mechanism to work through them and fly above them! Thank you, thank you. I've already received phone calls and emails about the impact this had on many people who were experiencing their "first storm at sea" as you called it.”
Jason Bryn
Founder True Vision, Submit Advisor Liberty League
Winning Edge Enterprizes
"Melissa Zollo's teleseminar on how to move beyond doubts and create successful blueprints was excellent. The response from our True Vision business team and participants was overwhelmingly positive. Ms Zollo's hands-on energetic approach, and her specific examples took Spiritual Principles to new levels of understanding. She was very encouraging, and inspired all of us to feel uplifted and motivated in order to better help our clients. The Present Memory CD programs are excellent support tools for anyone in the personal development field. I recommend them to everyone who has a desire to turn their personal and financial dreams into reality. 2 thumbs up on Melissa Zollo, her teleseminars and audio programs!"
Margie Paul, CEO, Reach for Your Greatness
Springfield, VA
Ready to book a session, contact Melissa today, and begin the journey to transform your life.
Melissa Zollo is not a medical doctor or mental health practitioner. She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or heal any physical, mental, or emotional illness. The services Melissa Zollo renders are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling, nor are they substitutes for medical treatments or medications. She recommends that you seek medical and/or professional help when appropriate. Melissa Zollo will withhold non-referred services if a client’s behavior, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional, and will provide services to such clients only after evaluation and with the approval of the licensed health care professional.
Ethics, Confidentiality and Privacy
Melissa Zollo practices in accordance with a high code of ethics and standards. She maintains the confidentiality of all knowledge and information concerning her clients. She may disclose information only when required by law or when authorized by those responsible for the client’s care.
Please note, a 48-hour cancellation policy is required for all services.
The information provided on this site is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease or illness. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Results may vary from person to person or animal to animal.