Weight Management

The Power of Imagination in Weight Management

By Melissa Zollo Ph.D

From a Talk Entitled “I Can and I Will Heal My Emotional Relationship With Food” with syndicated columnist and award Nightingale speaker and interviewer Deremiah CPE


I’d like to start out by saying that I think you’re spot on with your ideas. You speak from personal experience when it comes to being able to heal our relationship with food and emotional eating.


Thank you Deremiah. Growing up in an Italian restaurant with overweight parents, I learned early on about the deep connection between food, emotions, and weight as well as the stigma of being “fat”. This background inspired my work in personal and professional success, self-empowerment, and emotional healing.


Melissa is also the author of exceptional programs that you should check out.


I'm the author of "Discover the Power of Imagination" and "How to Attract Money," programs where I explore how we can use our innate creative power for transformation. I have found that the Imaginal Dynamic Method is helpful for managing weight issues through image re- patterning, a powerful “Mind Over Matter” technique. 


Please share some of your ideas on weight and body image.


There are many women who go to the gym five days a week. They eat more veggies, sweat, drink a gallon of water and as much you’d like to think those extra pounds are falling off faster than you can say “hip hip hurray”, that’s not how it goes down.

I've come to understand that many women suffer from food addiction and live in the prison of their own bodies. If you continually find fault, dislike or struggle with your body, you’ve entangled yourself in a spidersweb used to trap its prey. This prison ensnarls you in a false self-image, a body image that no one sees but you.

This prison was built in the laboratory of your imagination.You arrested yourself, and were the judge, prosecuting attorney, hostile jury and treacherous prison guard. Your original intention was to build a wall of protection around you but with each painful memory along with new critical messages of negativity of what you lack, you cemented a mindset of self-imposed solitary confinement.

You eat not because you're hungry but because you're feeling something – stress, boredom, or a need for comfort and love. Every diet becomes a different colored band-aid but band-aids never heal wounded hearts. The only way to heal is to have an awareness of the underlying issues and to take responsibility for yourself.

The body never lies. The body heals from the inside out. The only way to heal emotional eating issues that derail your health goals is to go to the root cause, clean it out and apply a nurturing salve. It's essential to recognize patterns and address them not just with diet but with a shift in mindset. The wounded heart can heal.

While people have different dominant traits, and different levels of motivation, we all have access to our feelings and imagination. Once you’re able to identify your vibrational frequency connected with your challenges and emotional patterns, the sooner the energetic disruption in your body can be corrected.


A lot of people think imagination is for daydreaming. What are your thoughts?


Imagination isn't just for daydreaming; Imagination is the Creative Mind of the Universe. The Art of Imaging is a potent tool for reshaping our lives. I often share my own story of choosing not to become obese, despite my environment, and the constant lure of food as an example of how I used my imagination to defy expectations. Image-re-ppatterning is about imagining your health, your body, and your life as you want them to be, and then living into that vision. It’s not about 3D rules and opinions.


What do mean by Self-Image and Mental Blueprints?

Your self-image is like a blueprint for your subconscious. If you see yourself as healthy and fortify that blueprint in your mind's eye, your behaviors will follow suit. Changing your mental image is the key to changing your physical reality. It's about altering how you perceive yourself at the core.

Deremiah: Here are some Statistics on Weight and Health: The statistics are alarming:

  • It is estimated that 42% of Americans are overweight and 30% are obese.

  • Obesity has risen by 21%.

  • A significant number of doctor visits are related to stress, linking back to emotional eating.


Deeply wounded people are imprisoned in their thoughts and challenged to experience what they feel. Recovery takes action. Healing begins from within. It may not be easy to unlock the prison door after being shut tight for so long, but it is possible because your imagination, thoughts and feelings put you where you are, and they can set you free. I say, Live! Choose to Live! You don’t owe an emotional debt to your past. Let your true feelings set you free. Choosing to live with joy, is not about denying upsetting emotions, but rather the willingness to take responsibility for yourself and what you feel.

Living life to the fullest means embracing all of it.

  • Feel your hurt without shame or fear and keep growing

  • Let go of the discordant energy about what other people think and want

  • Seek out the sources of your guilt and deal, feel and heal them

  • If you have unfinished business with issues of childhood that are blocking your recovery or progress reach out for help

  • The goal is to change your behavior in a way that will make you happy, joyous and free

  • Within you is the power to restore you to life

Deremiah: Will you share some practical tips for healthier eating:


Here are some steps I find useful:

  • Relax before eating to avoid stress eating.

  • Set up a pleasant eating environment; make meal times enjoyable.

  • Eat with awareness, distinguishing true hunger from emotional hunger.

  • Use smaller plates for portion control.

  • Focus on chewing to help with digestion.

  • Stay hydrated and move your body regularly.

  • Laugh more to lift your spirits.

  • Make changes gradually to ensure they become part of your lifestyle.

Deremiah: Any last minute thoughts you’d like to share


There is life outside the prison walls. You are more than your hereditary characteristics, your family tree, your genetic code, the color of your eye, skin and hair. The Living Spirit and Source of Life is within you. It has the “ways and the means” to every solution and answer you're in need of ... including the right steps for you regarding food management.

I guide clients through Energy Clearing, Image Re-patterning and SEFT Spiritual Emotional Freedom technique and Ancient Life Flows that align consciousness with health goals. Using imagery and breathwork, it is possible to shift focus from emotional triggers towards self-love and acceptance, creating a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Deremiah: For Further Engagement: Check out presentmemory.com to contact Dr. Melissa and for more resources join her newsletter for ongoing support and insights. Any Closing Thoughts?

I encourage everyone to harness the Power of Imagination to not only manage weight but to design their life. Transformation starts from within by changing how we think about ourselves. I've seen many clients succeed with this approach, and I believe anyone can if they have a strong enough desire

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